What led you to coming to have support from SEEN?

– On the day we had our scan at Kingston Hospital confirming the sad news that there was no heartbeat, the nurse spoke to us after to talk about options of management and also gave us a leaflet with your details on it. A few weeks later when reality kicked in I was finding myself in tears most of the time & decided to call to get support.

How did SEEN support you? And how did you feel after their support?

– I had weekly sessions with a lovely listener (I love that you call your counsellors this) who helped me to work through the emotions & gave me tools te help cope & manage. The 10 step program breaks things up into smaller & manageable bits which helped a lot, especially when at the start everything felt so overwhelming. Having someone outside of my close family / friends / support network also meant a lot to me, as I struggled with how some people chose to respond to our situation and I needed a non-judgemental space to voice & work through it.

What impact has SEEN had on you? And why would you recommend SEEN to others?

– SEEN helped me through the toughest time of my life after recurrent miscarriages, feeling alone and overwhelmed by all the emotions. I can honestly & highly recommend SEEN to anyone who has gone / is going through a sad & emotionally traumatic experience like this. THANK YOU once again!